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DEC Spring Tree Seedling Sale 2024

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DEC Spring Seedling Sale

DEC operates the Colonel William F. Fox Memorial Saratoga Tree Nursery, which produces tree and shrub seedlings for conservation plantings on public and private lands. Native New York seed sources are used when available. The nursery's annual spring seedling sale is open to all interested customers in New York and bordering states.

View the 2024 Trees and Shrubs Brochure (PDF) for a list of this year's available species, their size, and their cost, as well as ordering information that is also found on this webpage. Note: The PDF does not include updates as the species are sold out. Visit the Nursery Stock Availability webpage for updates on what species have sold out, though we recommend ordering by phone so that operators can provide you with the most up-to-date availability information.

Before ordering, view the Nursery Catalog (PDF) for species descriptions and preferred site conditions, and consider specific space requirements for each type of tree

How to Order

The seedling sale runs from January 2, 2024 through May 10, 2024. All orders are filled in the order received. Some species sell out quickly, so order early.

Ordering by Phone

Call (518) 587-1120, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM. (This is the best way to get the latest availability information and get your order in sooner.)

An invoice will be sent to you via mail or e-mail, which must be signed and returned within 10 days along with a check or money order. DO NOT SEND CASH. We do not accept credit cards at this time.

Ordering by Mail or E-Mail

Complete the order form (PDF) and mail to:

NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Saratoga Tree Nursery
2369 Rt. 50 S
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866-4771

Or e-mail the form to

Do not send payment at this time. DEC will send you an invoice once your order is processed.

Getting Your Seedlings

Seedlings are shipped/available for pick-up mid-April through early May, weather depending. You will be notified by mail/email when your order is ready.

Please choose one of the following shipping/pick-up options when you place your order:

  1. In-person: Pick up your order at the Saratoga Tree Nursery, located just south of Saratoga Springs on Route 50, approximately 30 miles north of Albany.
  2. Designated pick-up: For a fee, seedlings are shipped to specific location, like DEC regional offices, where customers can pick up their orders. Dates and locations are determined in early April. Do not choose this option if you need delivery by or on a specific date. Orders must be placed by March 27, 2024 for this option.
  3. FedEx Delivery: Fee per order: $25.00, or $5.00 plus 20% of the total bill, whichever is higher. (The Nursery is not responsible for the condition of seedlings once they have left the Nursery.)

Orders placed after May 1 must be picked up at the Nursery.

Seedlings should be planted as soon as possible. Until planted, keep seedlings cool and out of direct sunlight. Do not let roots dry out.

For technical advice on your planting project, contact your regional forestry office, or call the Nursery office at (518) 581-1439, Monday-Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM.

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