About Hudson Valley Parent
Hudson Valley Parent magazine is published by The Professional Image Marketing & Public Relations.
We strive to become the best local resource for parents in our community. Our goal is to empower families to raise healthy, happy children. We continually work at meeting the diverse needs of our ever-changing market.
Hudson Valley Parent magazine offers trusted editorial, extensive resource guides, family calendars and advertisers that are interested in providing products and services for parents.
We host family-oriented trade shows and symposiums where families can have a good time while learning more about our local community.
Our web site gives parents a chance to locate services and programs that will enhance their daily life --- a one-stop shop for local parents.
If you want to map out your Hudson Valley travels, go to My Family Trip Planner. Map our places to go and things to do on your PC, phone or tablet. Share it with family and friends.
Feel free to contact us at 845-562-3606.
Reach our Publisher Terrie Goldstein at publisher@excitingread.com
Contact our editorial department at editor@excitingread.com
Or our sales department at sales@excitingread.com
Or our design group at design@excitingread.com
Reach our customer service department at customerservice@excitingread.com