I hope you are all enjoying your summer so far! Despite the
summer heat, I am enjoying all the sunshine. We are also enjoying pool days, craft
days, and reading and adventure days. It is a good mix of all the things
that we love. Before we know it, it will be time to head back-to-school, and sign-ups
for fall sports will be here.
For two consecutive fall seasons I signed my kids up for
soccer. My kids love to put on the cleats and the shin guards and run around a
big open field. They even enjoy learning to dribble the ball and are eager to
learn new “tricks.” But as soon as you add in the competition, the pressure is too
overwhelming for them. We all end up a hot, teary mess on the sidelines.
Not all kids enjoy the competitive nature of group sports.
It may not be the physical requirements that are stressful, but the competition
and pressure to perform can be frustrating. Some kids prefer life on the side
lines more than playing in the main event. Practicing in the rainy and cold weather
may deter some kids from participating. And sometimes, sports are just not
their “thing.”
There is plenty of evidence out there to support the benefits
of participating in team sports. Not only does your child get healthy exercise,
but they are learning social behaviors like sportsmanship and commitment. But
healthy movement doesn’t always equate sports activities. There are plenty of
options for non-sports minded kids. Our own experience with organized sports
was a whole lot more emotional coaching than teaching defensive plays. So, how
do you get kids to exercise and learn positive social behaviors? Well, here are
some really fun non-team activities ideas your kids might enjoy:
SWIM LESSONS – Swimming can create immense pressure since
most events require swimming against the clock. However, the movements require
great amounts of energy so it is an incredible way for kids to stay healthy.
One on one or even group lessons will give your child all of the
aforementioned, as well as learning to follow directions and build positive
YOGA – Yoga classes are low key and encourage body
confidence. When your kid learns to hold a new pose that was once difficult,
they can feel a sense of accomplishment. Since there isn’t a performance
element to yoga, there isn’t any judgement involved. Kids are free to move the
way their body allows them and they can focus on self-empowerment and relax.
BOWLING – There are organized kid bowling leagues out there,
but just taking your kid out for a low key night of fun each weekend takes away
the struggle to reach the best score. Bowling may seem like an easy game to
play, but it requires critical thinking, math and science. Not to mention it
also meets the five standards for physical education set by SHAPE America, and
no need to watch the weather forecast.
SKATE BOARDING – It isn’t just for rebellious thrill
seekers. Kids who learn to skateboard get a full body workout. They have to
develop coordination, and when they fall they have to learn to get back up.
That teaches perseverance, which is an essential element to participating in
future sports activities.
GYMNASTICS – Young kids can enjoy tumbling and jumping as a
way to get healthy movement. Taking a class vs. joining a team and attending
competitions creates fewer demands and kids can participate at will. Each class
will help your child develop skills and build strength and endurance.
ZUMBA/GROUP EXERCISE CLASS - The repetition of a routine and
burden to memorize steps can make traditional dance classes harder on those who
do not do well with competition. Group classes offer the best of both worlds,
healthy physical activity and a group dynamic. No one is exercising alone and
no one is trying to outpace anyone.
JOGGING – Jogging for health, and exclusive of a sports
team, really contributes to a person’s overall mental health. Some refer to
this as a runner’s high, or the release of natural endorphins that creates a
sense of happiness. Kids can feel a sense of freedom when running at their own
pace without trying to outrun someone else or make the best time. And they can
compete against themselves which develops an inner drive to set goals and work
hard, both important skills that carry over into other aspects of life. Start a little runners club or take a few laps with your kid.
PARKOUR – Think small scale American Ninja Warrior without
the competition. Kids learn to scale small walls, vault off of railings, swing
through small spaces, etc. As your child builds their individual skills they
develop balance, coordination, spatial awareness and agility. It is usually
indoors and lots of fun.
ROCK CLIMBING/ROCK WALLS – The Hudson Valley is rich with
places to climb big rocks! It requires critical thinking and builds stamina. It
is a full body workout without having to run laps. Kids have to really focus on
their footing and hang in there until they reach the top. Rock climbing focuses
on safety and it exercises both the mind and the body.
Is there another non-competitive sport or activity your
child enjoys?
The Whatever Mom is a full-time wife and twin mama living on coffee and wine. She enjoys the pure rush of cleaning the BIG potty between loads of laundry. It is her dream that moms everywhere accept and embrace the Whatever Mom philosophy which can be found here. You can also find her musings and popular shares on Facebook and Twitter. Stay up to date with her creative ideas and outings on Pinterest.
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