6 Ways to Take the Best Baby Pix

HV Parent photographer gives his advice

Hudson Valley parents can start taking their own "calendar-worthy" newborn photos thanks to the advice of our own cover photographer, Jeremy Landolfa.  He gave us some tried and true tips for capturing those really early days in our children's lives.

Timing is everything

Your optimum time for taking newborn photos is before they’re eight weeks old since they pretty much stay where you put them. Then, from about nine weeks to three years, they’re very mobile, and all you can do is follow them with the camera and take candid shots. Once they reach three years old, they can follow simple instructions, and can pose for short periods of time.

Set the stage

A quiet spot with neutral colors, and use some sort of flashing light — a disco ball, for example — which has multiple flashes which  captures their attention and gives you enough time to get a collection of photos.

Concentrate on the face

Babies make the best faces, and it’s where you’ll find the most interesting shots. Don't worry about catching anything else, i.e., feet, hands, toys.

Flashes and other stuff


  • Lay baby flat on his back and on a soft blanket, make sure room temperature is moderate. 
  • Don’t worry about using the flash — loud noises bother babies more than flashes do.
  • Take pictures throughout that first year when babies do their most growing. And mix up black and white with color, just for the variety of it.”

See Jeremy’s photos at jeremylandolfa.com