communities depend in part on the services of volunteers. To keep your rural or
urban neighborhood vital, there are always opportunities to give in ways large
or small. You'll also add to your network of friends and acquaintances, acquire
new skills, and in some cases, support your career. Sometimes your kids can
participate, but even if they can't, they'll see how important it is to get
involved in the world outside of home and school.
offers these community service suggestions for parents. Share these ideas with
your kids to see which would be of most interest. Get them involved young and
they will remain concerns citizens for the rest of their lives.
Volunteer work
a look at your schedule and decide how much time you can realistically commit
each week. Even an hour or two can make a difference to a library, food pantry,
or thrift shop. Also consider your skills to make sure the organization is a
good fit. Some groups need a secretary or treasurer, which might mean just
attending a monthly meeting and then writing up minutes or paying bills.
Support for local businesses
Internet and big box stores drain away business from the small companies that
are the heart of a town or a neighborhood. Whenever possible, make an effort to
buy local. You can also recommend stores or services to friends, follow
businesses on social media, and write online reviews if you've had good
Elderly neighbor checkups
community has its share of elders who live alone. If you have neighbors who are
widowed or childless and are willing to chat with you, keep tabs on them. Offer
to help with chores, take them for walks, or invite them over for meals on
holidays, times when loneliness tends to be most acute.
donating money to causes you believe in, you probably have items in good
condition that you can no longer use. They can be offered to thrift shops for
resale or to women's shelters for reuse. Get a few friends together to hold a
yard sale and donate the proceeds to a local organization.
Environmental action
flowers and bushes to beautify your neighborhood or organize a group to clean
up an area marred by trash. Kids can help out, and you're bound to make new
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