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5 things to do this Labor Day

Make the most of this last long weekend of summer freedom

labor day events in the hudson valley 2016

Show of hands... who can believe that it's already September?!?!
I guess it's time for me to come to terms with the fact that summer is officially fleeting from my grasp... BUT
at least we have one more long weekend of summer freedom. Check out these 5 great events going on this Labor Day!

1. Be entertained by the best regional musicians, sample some of the best local wines and handcrafted specialty foods at the Woodstock-New Paltz Arts & Crafts Fair. Click for more...

2. Take part in a bevy of interactive corn-related activities including hands-on activities, crafts, cooking, and more at Philipsburg Manor's CORNucopia celebration. Click for more...

3. Apples, peaches, plums, pears, nectarines, tomatoes, and more to pick! Live music, contests, kids activities galore at the Fabulous Fruit Festival. Click for more...

4. Check out the live entertainment, rides, games, and livestock at the Columbia County Fair. Click for more...

5. Enjoy storytellers, jousting, living chessboard, much show, costume, vendors and more at the New York Renaissance Fair. Click for more...