A little while back, I shared 9 tips on how to take better photos of your kids. Let's consider a few things NOT to do.
1. Don't use your flash.
Unless you know how to work with flash photography, that flash is going to work against you. In addition to creating harsh shadows and unnaturally brightened skin, it can also irritate eyes and lead to blinking.
Instead, look for the light! Move closer to a window with good natural light. Open up the curtains or the front door if that helps. Do whatever it takes to get more natural light into a room. Once you start paying attention to the light that comes into your home at various times of the day, you'll begin to instinctively know how to best make use of it.

What if there's NO light? What if it's 9pm, the room is fairly dark, and your baby is taking his first steps?? By all means, flip that flash on and grab that shot! But for the moments when natural light is available … learning how to use it to your advantage will dramatically improve the quality of your photos.
2. Don't take important photos just anywhere.
Beautiful, natural moments happen in every room of your house - even in the rooms where there isn't perfect lighting. But for the moments you're planning to capture, such as milestone pictures, choose your room and time of day wisely. I can pretty much guarantee that somewhere in your house, there's a spot where the light is juuuuust right for photos. It may not last all day, but when it's there … it's perfect!
The other day I took photos of a little one's one-year-old cake smash in the back hallway of the second floor of the family's home. It wasn’t the obvious choice at first to the family, but the light in the hallway was absolutely perfect! Take a tour of your home and see if you can't find the spot that's perfect in your house.

3. Don't forget to get in the photos.
Even if you don't care about any other tip I EVER give you, I hope with all my heart, that this one reaches your heart. We women are so hard on ourselves. We see (and focus on) all our "flaws". As a result, we sometimes shy away from being in photos. But let me ask you something: Which photos of your childhood mean the most to you? The ones of just you? Or the ones of you AND your parents? You AND your grandparents? One day in the not so very distant future, the photos you're taking right now will be the childhood memories hanging in your grown-up kids home. Be in those memories. It will mean the world to them one day.

Kate Callahan is an on-location photographer who LOVES to capture authentic memories for families. She’s available for weddings, senior photos, child photo sessions, and family photography. Kate works with clients throughout the Hudson Valley, NYC, Delaware (and the tri-state area), and beyond.
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