Baby brain boosters

3 easy tips to encourage your baby's early learning

Baby brain boosters

While formal education may not begin until age five, those years preceding classroom learning are crucial to brain development. You can get your child started on the right path early on by encouraging learning whenever possible.

Read more: More ways to nurture your baby's brain development

Sing a song

Simple songs can be a fun and helpful way to reinforce basic concepts like numbers, letters and animals. Sing with your little one in the car, or when you have free time at home. Great choices include “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes,” “The Alphabet Song,” and “The Wheels on the Bus.”

Colorful books

“Books for young children should also be learning tools that help build vocabulary and language skills,” says Sophie Mitchell, preschool publisher at DK Publishing.

For newborns, Mitchell recommends books that feature bright, bold colors and vivid patterns that are easy to hold, for sharing between baby and parent.

Read more: Why the first 5 years are critical

“Babies love to hear the sound of their parents’ voices, so read enthusiastically to your child,” she says. Mitchell also recommends that parents choose books that are filled with the things babies find fascinating, such as images of others babies, toddlers, animals and vehicles.

Toddlers love pointing out things they know and saying the words out loud. They appreciate book content that features images of their real world. Surprise elements like flaps, sounds, pull tabs and textures can provoke curiosity and engage reluctant readers.

Read more: Can supplements boost baby brain power?

Be active

Babies, toddlers and preschoolers need lots of mental stimulation for brain development. Rather than simply sitting them in front of the TV, take little trips that can foster questions and observations. Whether that be the playground, the zoo or even a run-of-the-mill trip to the grocery store, these experiences are crucial for early learning.

Talk to your child throughout the trip, pointing out things you see. When you get home, you can reinforce the real-world concepts with learning books.

Article provided by State Point