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Does your child's school make the grade?

Hudson Vally school districts ranked

is an online resource that ranks schools and neighborhoods that has, according to their website, ranked almost 100,000 schools and
districts based on statistics and millions of opinions from students and parents.

Schools are ranked based on factors such as academics, teachers, availability of clubs and activities, health and safety, college preparation, as well as overall diversity of the school. 

We wanted to see where our Hudson Valley school districts ranked on these lists, and here's what we found.

Want to see where your school ranks? Are you moving and looking for the best districts in the area?

For more, check out Niche

#1 Cornwall Central School District : A
#2 Monroe-Woodbury Central School District: A-
#3 Tuxedo Union Free School District: A-


#1Spackenkill Union Free School District: A
#2 Arlington Central School District: A
#3 Red Hook Central School District: A

#1 New Paltz Central School District: A
#2 Onteora Central School District: A-
#3 Marlboro Central School District: B

#1 Sullivan West Central School District: B-
#2 Liberty Central School District: C+
#3 Livingston Manor Central School District: C+

READ MORE: Choose the right school for your little one